Play for FREE the best online game of Mpirimpa / Buraco on the internet with your friends or other online players. Enjoy the classic game of Mpirimpa / Buraco or choose the professional version Pro for even more challenges.
Try out the most popular card game in China playing with your friends for countless hours for FREE. Plan your strategy and throw the Dragon, Dog, Maj Jong or Phoenix at the right time so as to win your opponents and take their Chips!
If you are looking for something fast and amusing play the classic game of Tic Tac Toe in three different table sizes and win smartly your opponents.
Spectrum Hangman is the well-known Hangman game but with some exciting features. Users can play on their own selecting the language they wish to compete and the level of difficulty. Users can also select to play the Daily challenge mode where they start from a low level but advance to a higher level if they are successful.
Spectrum Belote is the well-known French game offered in two versions. The first version is the classic Belote version which can be played with two or four players. The second version is Coinche / Pilotta which is widely not only in France but in countries in the Middle East and Cyprus. Information about the rules of the game can be found in the Tutorials section.